Thursday, February 25, 2016

(Free Online Audiobook) "The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be" by Jack Canfield

Lately, I've been self-conscious of the fact I haven't taken time to read more than a couple of books over the last few years. There was a time when reading two or three books a week and journaling about my reading was the unquestioned purpose of my life, but my goal of earning a livable income online has overshadowed even that. In spite of the fact reading a lot more could have helped me to success by now, I just haven't take the time. It's a huge mistake and one I'm trying to remedy.

Perhaps the most obvious solution to the problem is to listen to audiobooks while I'm busy with surfing traffic exchanges and sending out repetitive marketing emails. The problem - like so many doing the same things - is that I just don't have the extra income to buy as many audiobooks as I need to keep me listening every work day of the year. Luckily, and by accident, I discovered that YouTube has quite a few free quality unabridged audiobooks of titles that are absolute essentials to the entrepreneur's library, and there are many fiction titles too. The self-help books are great, but you need to give it a rest regularly to let the knowledge sink in. Fiction is a good break.

In Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" - an abridged version - I've selected both a title I haven't yet listened to and one I believe will be interesting to anyone, but is especially of value to anyone attempting to earn enough money to fund their dreams.

Give it a listen and, if you have the time, simply search "audiobook" on YouTube and you'll discover the many titles available. All in all, I hope it helps you in your goals. Once you're done, I hope you'll return here and let me and others know what it meant to you, what you take away from the book, and what it means for your future.


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