Saturday, February 6, 2016

Need Ideas For Gigs? Here's A Goldmine!

I guess we shouldn't be shocked at how many articles and ebooks there are, all of them giving their own list of possible home businesses you can start either for free or for small to large amounts of startup capital. Frankly, they've been invaluable to me over the last few years and I expect there to be plenty more in the years ahead. In fact, a thriving business is dependent on a constant supply of fresh ideas to keep it healthy and growing. But, it doesn't matter how creative you are, keeping that flow coming is often seemingly impossible.

Toward that end, I found an article over at Entrepreneur Magazine online that gives you 55 great ideas for businesses you can create. None on the list are any great surprise but, if you think a little bit creatively, those 55 ideas could help you to create related gigs on sites like The way I've used it so far is to pick just one idea from the list of 55 and then give myself 30-60 minutes to just free-flow brainstorm ideas related to that category or anything else that might pop up during the process. I've come up with literally hundreds of gigs I could do in about a dozen of these categories and I expect to come up with a lot more going through the rest of the list.

Getting and having the idea is at least fifty percent of the job and, honestly, I'd say it's great deal more.

Give it some thought, set aside some quiet and alone time and try it out.
Just click the image below.


- R.D.

Entrepreneur Magazine - 55 Great Business Startup Ideas

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